6 tips specially for new Bloggers to stay focused

6 tips specially for new Bloggers to stay focused

As a blogger, i know the pain of new bloggers and today i am sharing 6 tips specially for new Bloggers to stay focused. For a blogger it is necessary to understand the people you’re trying to target and creating a niche with several short and long term goals, is the key to success.

The biggest mistake which almost every new Blogger is making is that they are wasting countless of hours on their blog design, looking for themes, templates and other plugins to install instead of focusing on their content. Whether If the blogger is on Blogger or WordPress or any other platform, installing useless plugins and theme with lots of fancy flash decreases page load speed which results in traffic drop.

The newbie Bloggers should focus on generating a quality content as content is king on your niche instead of wasting time on fancy flash and fonts, that contributes nothing to your Blog. They should be more focused towards the content in initial days of blogging.

6 tips specially for new Bloggers to stay focused

Here I’m going to share 6 tips specially for new Bloggers to stay focused and also to prevent traffic loss.

6 tips specially for new Bloggers to stay focused
6 tips specially for new Bloggers to stay focused

Stay focused on your NICHE

You should focus on your niche instead of writing countless post, anything which isn’t your topic, Don’t go there in initial days. If you do, your visitors will may feel bad and they might stop visiting your blog. Your blog will turn out to be something that visitors will be annoyed to look at. Always provide useful and accurate information.

A couple of months ago I used to visit a site that had superb and helpful articles on social media tips. All the articles were well presented and I had subscribed to that website and it became one of my favorite website, but after few days articles on kids and family started to appear and the tips on social media articles got less and less.

I stopped visiting because visiting that site is now a waste of time as website has distracted from niche. So, its very necessary for every blogger to stay focused on niche.

Headline is KING

I know you have always read that content is king and never heard about “heading or headlines is king”. It’s really something new for you, but really it is something to think about. We all know that content is still king, but user read the headline first, so I think headlines should also knock the attention of the readers with a superb headline which clearly defines your content and increases curiosity of user to read that.

Stay focused on CONTENT

Content is the biggest success factor of a blog also plays a important role in generating huge traffic. As I’ve mentioned above rather wasting time on other unwanted aspects that adds no value to your blog you should focus on providing valuable and helpful content to your readers.

Content is KING

If you have the art of adding a value to your content, you can be a successful Blogger. Make you content interesting and user friendly, try to user images and info graphics to explain what you are trying to convey. I great content is a base of good blog.

Target your AUDIENCE

Always remember you are writing for people not for machines. As a Blogger it is your responsibility to know who is reading your blog and what they want. You should provide them content that full fills their needs. You should respond to comments on your blog as much as you can. You have to show that you’re interested in what your readers say as they are in reading your content.

Offer guest post to other blogs related to your niche, make comments on those blog and try to contact with your readers trough chat. These are the ways to know well your audience and stay connected them.

Focus on your writing style

Having a unique writing style is something that need to be learned before you even think about choosing a domain name. You should be able you make your readers nod with every point of your article. If you have good and unique writing style than everyone will love to read your articles.

These were 6 tips specially for new Bloggers to stay focused and also to prevent traffic loss, Hope you like it, Please do comment if you have any query.

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